Sep 20, 2024
Oliver Pearson
Business Manager
With an extensive background in investment banking Oliver brings critical analytical and problem-solving attributes to the team at Waikato Real Estate. He is a solid-all rounder who has an extremely clear vision about managing the company’s performance based on accurate data balanced out by a creative approach to solving complex issues.
Olly is an avid property investor and enjoys sharing his knowledge with the team and other keen property investors. In an ever changing market Olly knows that having exceptional analytical skills and market knowledge is key. He is always on hand to answer any of your property investing queries and relishes collaborating with other like minded people.
Oliver Pearson
Business Manager
With an extensive background in investment banking Oliver brings critical analytical and problem-solving attributes to the team at Waikato Real Estate. He is a solid-all rounder who has an extremely clear vision about managing the company’s performance based on accurate data balanced out by a creative approach to solving complex issues.
Olly is an avid property investor and enjoys sharing his knowledge with the team and other keen property investors. In an ever changing market Olly knows that having exceptional analytical skills and market knowledge is key. He is always on hand to answer any of your property investing queries and relishes collaborating with other like minded people.